Galaxy War Complete Project Unity Game

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Apr 18, 2023

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Detalles del producto

Take your players to the edge of the galaxy with this exciting 3D spaceship combat game! With over 30 Missions of thrilling gameplay, customizable ships, and intense space battles, your players will be engaged for hours on end.

Features :

-Over 30 Missions of thrilling space combat

-Ads Monetization : Admob integrated, Unity Ads, Ironsource (Banner, Interstitial, Video Reward)

-ability to add in-app purchase system

-Customize your ship with powerful weapons and upgrades

-Choose from a variety of ships with unique abilities and playstyles

-Engage in intense dogfights with enemy vessels

-Take on massive bosses in epic battles

-Earn rewards and bonuses through daily gift system

-Purchase new ships and upgrades through

-Stunning 3D graphics and effects

-Support multi-platform: Android 13 and the latest iOS devices and also Windows.
-Built with Unity 2021

-Documents update online,Support 24/7


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-Over 30 Missions of thrilling space combat
-Ads Monetization : Admob integrated, Unity Ads, Ironsource (Banner, Interstitial, Video Reward)
-ability to add in-app purchase system
-Customize your ship with powerful weapons and upgrades
-Choose from a variety of ships with unique abilities and playstyles
-Engage in intense dogfights with enemy vessels
-Take on massive bosses in epic battles
-Earn rewards and bonuses through daily gift system
-Purchase new ships and upgrades through
-Stunning 3D graphics and effects
-Support multi-platform: Android 13 and the latest iOS devices
-Built with Unity 2021
-Documents update online,Support 24/7

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